
Founded in 2017, the European Expert Association takes no position on matters of policy and supports having open discussions about change and the future of Ukraine. Our goal is to sustain the conversations about the need for Ukrainians to better understand the world. The experts of the European Expert Association promote analysis of the political, economic, social and security reforms in Ukraine.


Rosyjskie zagrożenie dla stosunków polsko-ukraińskich

Читати українською 29/10/2021 Z Marią Awdiejewą, dyrektorem badań Europejskiego Stowarzyszenia Ekspertów, ekspertem ds. wpływów informacyjnych i dezinformacji rozmawiał Konstanty Czawaga....
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Rosyjskie zagrożenie dla stosunków polsko-ukraińskich

Lukashenko ‘The Avia-Pirate’ – Steadying The Sinking Ship?

28/05/2021 Читати українською On May 18, Belarus’ most popular internet portal was shut down. In addition to the editorial...
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Lukashenko ‘The Avia-Pirate’ – Steadying The Sinking Ship?

Interview with Antti HARTIKAINEN

01/05/2024 The interviewer: Sviatoslav Maksymiv Interviewee: Antti Juhani HARTIKAINEN - Senior Strategic Advisor to Integrated Border Management Centres. Advising on...
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Interview with Antti HARTIKAINEN

Ukraine: A view from a city ‘frozen in horror’

26/02/2022 Читать на русском The Russian invasion is like a robber has broken into our home and destroyed everything we...
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Ukraine: A view from a city ‘frozen in horror’

Information battlefield: Kremlin disinformation campaigns targeting Poland’s support for Ukraine

22/02/2022 Other than assembling a large force on the border with Ukraine, the Kremlin is increasing the information pressure on...
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Information battlefield: Kremlin disinformation campaigns targeting Poland’s support for Ukraine

Russia’s ‘Idiotic’ Disinformation Campaign Could Still Lead to War in Ukraine

21/02/2022 The Kremlin's disinformation campaign is firing on all cylinders, but propagandists keep getting caught out by metadata. (more…)
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Russia’s ‘Idiotic’ Disinformation Campaign Could Still Lead to War in Ukraine

Russia has been laying groundwork online for a ‘false flag’ operation, misinformation researchers say

19/02/2022 Читать на русском At the White House this week, President Biden said the United States had “reason to believe”...
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Russia has been laying groundwork online for a ‘false flag’ operation, misinformation researchers say

Many Ukrainians fear Russia is creating a pretext for invasion. Maria Avdeeva for The World

19/02/2022 Tensions continue on the border of Ukraine and Russia. The US says Russia has increased its troops at the...
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Many Ukrainians fear Russia is creating a pretext for invasion. Maria Avdeeva for The World

Fake newsem w Polskę. Polskie poparcie dla Ukrainy na celowniku kampanii dezinformacyjnej Kremla

18/02/2022 Rosja nie tylko zgromadziła ponad 100 tysięcy żołnierzy na granicy z Ukrainą. Kreml zwiększa presję informacyjną na Europę. Polska...
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Fake newsem w Polskę. Polskie poparcie dla Ukrainy na celowniku kampanii dezinformacyjnej Kremla

Ukraine : “Poutine a eu ce qu’il voulait, une influence retrouvée et une place à la table des discussions”

17/02/2022 Читати українською Les États-Unis continuent de juger "très élevé" et imminent le risque d'une invasion russe en Ukraine, balayant...
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Ukraine : “Poutine a eu ce qu’il voulait, une influence retrouvée et une place à la table des discussions”

Ukrajinka z Charkiva: Ľudia sú pripravení bojovať

17/02/2022 Žijete v Charkive, asi 40 kilometrov od hranice s Ruskom. Aká vládne v meste atmosféra? V médiách a na sociálnych sieťch vidíme, ako Rusko...
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Ukrajinka z Charkiva: Ľudia sú pripravení bojovať

Tensions continue on border between Russian and Ukraine. Maria Avdeeva for ABC

14/02/2022 Maria Avdeeva, research director at the European Expert Association, speaks to Leigh Sales, ABC News, with her personal insights...
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Tensions continue on border between Russian and Ukraine. Maria Avdeeva for ABC

Active Measures

The Belarusian Narrative in Ukraine

Belarus has always been of particular interest and strategic importance to Russia. At the time of the onset of open aggression against Ukraine and the occupation of Donbas and Crimea, Moscow launched an active offensive on the sovereignty of its ally in order to keep Minsk in the orbit of its domination, to “force integration” and to exploit Belarus’s resources.

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  • STATEMENT by the Ukrainian Expert Community

    on the Report “Peace in Ukraine I: A European War”, authored by International Crisis Group
  • Хто, як і для чого намагається вплинути на місцеві вибори в Україні?

    Марія Авдєєва, Європейська експертна асоціація
  • Countering Mechanisms The Eastern Partnership and the Kremlin’s Influence Operations

    Maria Avdeeva, European Expert Association
  • СПІЛЬНА СТРАТЕГІЯ Протидії тиску Росії у Європі щодо зняття санкцій

  • Активні заходи – білоруський наратив в Україні

    Марія Авдєєва, спеціально для iSANS
  • Telegram здався

    Олексій Комаров, Європейська експертна асоціація


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