Maria Avdeeva, research director at the European Expert Association, speaks to Leigh Sales, ABC News, with her personal insights into the preparedness of the Ukranian people for any conflict.
Maria Avdeeva, research director at the European Expert Association, speaks to Leigh Sales, ABC News, with her personal insights into the preparedness of the Ukranian people for any conflict.
A conversation with Maria Avdeeva, research director at the European Expert Association in Ukraine. Interviewer: Adam Reichardt
ADAM REICHARDT: I would like to start with your reaction to the negotiations between the West and Russia which took place over last week. There were US-Russia bilateral talks; the NATO-Russia Council meeting; and the OSCE meeting which discussed Russian intentions in Ukraine. All of the talks ended up with little or no result. How do you see them and how were these discussions covered and interpreted in Ukraine?
Russia recently placed 100,000 troops on Ukraine’s border — leading Europe to the brink of war. Bringing together experts on Russian and Ukrainian politics, this panel explored why Putin provoked this crisis, what the consequences are likely to be and what can be done. This event was hosted by the Centre for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies.
Rosja przerzuca ciężki sprzęt wojskowy z Syberii bliżej ukraińskiej granicy, a rosyjska armia wznawia ćwiczenia w obwodach graniczących z Ukrainą i na okupowanym Krymie.