Category: Analytics


iSANS, Belarusian Hajun

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iSANS systematically monitors various spheres of Belarusian politics, including propaganda, military activity, militarization of the education system, etc.

The analysis of informational influence campaigns ahead of the Russian aggression against Ukraine (2021-2022) revealed a pattern: propaganda serves as a marker of preparation for escalation, forming the rationale for the regime’s actions both domestically and in the international arena.

After significant strengthening of the alliance between Minsk and Moscow, the information agenda of A. Lukashenka’s regime became akin to the Russian one, adopting many of its features. In particular, it also began to demonize neighboring states, justify repression, authoritarianism, and militarization, and build the image of a “besieged fortress.”

This report presents the main elements of the regime’s propaganda, its language, and the mythology it creates. It focuses on anti-Polish and anti-NATO rhetoric, and manipulation through the migration crisis and history.

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Davey Alba

At the White House this week, President Biden said the United States had “reason to believe” that Russia was “engaged in a false flag operation” to use as an excuse to invade Ukraine.

A new report by the European Expert Association, a research group that focuses on security in Ukraine, and the technology watchdog group Reset Tech said that since October, misinformation researchers had observed rumors circulating widely online and in Russian news media that could be groundwork for such an operation, or to help justify a military buildup.

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