Category: Analytics

The buyer chooses a supplier. The problem is that we need the infrastructure that will make this choice possible. Today, Belarus has a choice between the three largest oil producers in the world – Russia, Saudi Arabia and the United States.

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Chinese and Russian Medical Diplomacy: What’s Behind the Mask?

Maria Avdeeva, European Expert Association

In times of humanitarian disaster, even implacable geopolitical opponents help each other in their efforts to save human lives. However, for Europe the COVID-19 pandemic has the potential to become more disastrous than even the economic consequences of World War II. It has also given rise to unprecedented disinformation campaigns. Some of their goals are obvious now, others will become clear in the future.

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by the Ukrainian Expert Community on the Report “Peace in Ukraine I: A European War”, authored by International Crisis Group

In Ukrainian     In Russian

The Report “Peace in Ukraine I: A European War”, authored by International Crisis Group (ICG, Brussels, Belgium) dated April 28, 2020, proposes to solve the problem of Russian aggression in Donbas region of Ukraine by engaging Russia, the aggressor state, and bringing it back into discussions on European security and regional arms control.

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This Is How COVID-19 Might Reinforce the Media

As the world braces itself for the rapidly descending economic hit to come, a review and reinforcement of media structures cannot be overlooked. Only resilient business models and a healthy public sphere will maintain information sovereignty for democracies.

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