
Interview with Antti HARTIKAINEN

01/05/2024 The interviewer: Sviatoslav Maksymiv Interviewee: Antti Juhani HARTIKAINEN - Senior Strategic Advisor to Integrated Border Management Centres. Advising on the establishment of the Centres and operationalisation of them ...
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Many Ukrainians fear Russia is creating a pretext for invasion. Maria Avdeeva for The World

19/02/2022 Tensions continue on the border of Ukraine and Russia. The US says Russia has increased its troops at the border. And fighting continues between Russian-backed groups and Ukrainian government forces in eastern Ukraine ...
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Ukraine : “Poutine a eu ce qu’il voulait, une influence retrouvée et une place à la table des discussions”

17/02/2022 Читати українською Les États-Unis continuent de juger "très élevé" et imminent le risque d'une invasion russe en Ukraine, balayant les assurances données par Moscou sur un retrait partiel de ses troupes massées à la frontière. Décryptage de la situation ...
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Ukrajinka z Charkiva: Ľudia sú pripravení bojovať

17/02/2022 Žijete v Charkive, asi 40 kilometrov od hranice s Ruskom. Aká vládne v meste atmosféra? V médiách a na sociálnych sieťch vidíme, ako Rusko zhromažďuje vojakov na hranici s Ukrajinou. Na videu, ktoré sa objavilo v sobotu, sme sledovali, ...
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Tensions continue on border between Russian and Ukraine. Maria Avdeeva for ABC

14/02/2022 Maria Avdeeva, research director at the European Expert Association, speaks to Leigh Sales, ABC News, with her personal insights into the preparedness of the Ukranian people for any conflict ...
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Russia’s Attack on Ukraine

31/01/2022 Russia recently placed 100,000 troops on Ukraine’s border — leading Europe to the brink of war. Bringing together experts on Russian and Ukrainian politics, this panel explored why Putin provoked this crisis, what the consequences are likely to be ...
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Russia is preparing many scenarios for Ukraine

19/01/2022 A conversation with Maria Avdeeva, research director at the European Expert Association in Ukraine. Interviewer: Adam Reichardt ADAM REICHARDT: I would like to start with your reaction to the negotiations between the West and Russia which took place over ...
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Rosja wznowiła ćwiczenia wojskowe na granicy z Ukrainą

Читати українською 18/01/2021 Rosja przerzuca ciężki sprzęt wojskowy z Syberii bliżej ukraińskiej granicy, a rosyjska armia wznawia ćwiczenia w obwodach graniczących z Ukrainą i na okupowanym Krymie ...
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Emerging Security Challenges Working Group Conference “HYBRID THREATS and the COVID-19 Crisis”

Maria Avdeeva, Research Director, European Expert Association participated in the Partnership for Peace Consortium Emerging Security Challenges Working Group Conference “HYBRID THREATS and the COVID-19 Crisis” ...
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International Autumn Legal School Combating Cybercrime According to European Justice Standards September 23 – 25, 2020

27/09/2020 International Autumn Legal School Combating Cybercrime According to European Justice Standards was held within the framework of the IV Kharkiv International Legal Forum, September 23 – 25, 2020. The organizers of the school were European Expert Association and Yaroslav ...
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Radio interview for EUROPE EUROPE with Gigi Donelli, Editor-in-Chief of Radio 24

12/07/2020 Maria Avdeeva, Research Director at the European Expert Association took part in a live broadcast of Radio24 Europa Europa with Gigi Donelli, Editor-in-Chief of Radio 24 ...
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Live: Radio interview for EUROPE EUROPE with Gigi Donelli, Editor-in-Chief of Radio 24

Research Director of the European Expert Association Maria Avdeeva took part in a live broadcast of Radio24, during which she told Italian radio listeners about the consequences of Russian information aggression in eastern Ukraine, the national identity and irreversibility of ...
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