Vienna Cyber Security Week
On the week of March 11-15 EEA Director for ISS Maria Avdeeva took part at the Vienna Cyber Security Week. The conference brought more than 700 participants from 70 countries to Austria and became one of the largest network meetings in this field.
International cyber stability measures including the OSCE cyber/ICT confidence-building measures (CBMs), as well as how they can be deployed effectively were also discussed during the OSCE Informal Working Group Meeting on the 12th of March.
Cybersecurity challenges can no longer be solved by a single state for a long time. Cooperation in this area is therefore more important than ever. Intensive dialogue between research, industry and public society is essential to enable high levels of cyber security protection and to effectively address future global cyber threats.
The Vienna Cyber Security Week was organized by the Energypact Foundation, the AIT Austrian Institute for Technology and the Austrian Chamber of Commerce. Conference co-organizers include OSCE, International Electrotechnical Commission and the International Telecommunication Union.
Detailed infromation on the conference can be found here: