Ukrainian Cybersecurity Working Group – UCWG

European Expert Association is launching Ukrainian Cybersecurity Working Group. It is a civil cybersecurity non-profit project implemented by multilateral partners, functioning on a regular basis and aiming to increase cybersecurity awareness of Ukrainian society as well as provide digital competence training.

Target audience is government officials and youth studying humanities and social sciences, as they have a lack of up-to-date digital skills within their formal education. Thus, representing a part of public governance, they are the most vulnerable group in cybersecurity systems. The project is planned to start in Kharkiv region in the East of Ukraine in October 2019 as Kharkiv Cyber ​​Lab and henceforth scale up to neighboring regions and throughout Ukraine. UCWG implemented by European Experts Association has gained support of the Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine. We are also searching for partners among independent experts, NGOs, local authorities to realize our educational programs in the field of information and cybersecurity. It is planned to engage international experts from the countries which face similar cybersecurity threats and which target developing cybersecurity mechanisms, in particular the EU countries.

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